Quin és el somni d'una costurera?
Tenir un cap de setmana sencer només per cosir, provant màquines de tota mena,
Happy Halloween, everyone!
What is the dream of a sewist?
To have a whole weekend just to sew, trying lots of different types of machines,
lluny de la resta del món...
away from the whole world...
I en companyia d'una colla de dones amb les mateixes idees...
And in the company of a team of fellow sewists and bloggers...
Vaig conèixer blogueres que segueixo des de fa temps,
I could meet bloggers I have been following for a long time,
I en vaig conèixer d'altres que seguiré a partir d'ara, com patchtemptation
And I met others which I will follow from now on, like patchtemptation
Vaig participar en el taller d'espardenyes d'espart, que va organitzar la "costurera entrometida".
I took part in the workshop to sew espadrilles organized by la "costurera entrometida"
I es va fer un mercat d'intercanvi de teles.
And we had an exchange market for fabrics.
I un munt de regals dels patrocinadors! A mi em van tocar dos patrons de Paulice Alice, quines ganes de provar-los!
També hi havia molts vals de descompte i un exemplar de la revista de patrons Ottobre, que encara no he utilitzat mai.
And many presents from the sponsors!
I got two patterns from Paulice Alice, which I am looking forward to trying!
There were also many discount coupons and one issue of the pattern magazine Ottobre, that I have yet to use.
Un fantàstic cap de setmana molt divertit i ple d'emocions i
Esperant el Sewing Camp 2018!!
A wonderful weekend full of fun and excitement!
Looking forward to Sewing Camp 2018!!
wow that looks like so much fun. I just sewed my 2nd version of that Pauline Alice Aldaia dress, it sews up so quick and makes a great dress.
ResponEliminaYes, we DID have fun. And I will be sewing the Aldaia dress pretty soon, I think!
EliminaBon resum!! Només puc confirmar que va ser genial!! :-)
ResponEliminaI tant!! Això s'ha de repetir!
EliminaWow! Qué bueno, recordarlo de nuevo! Gracias! Me encantó conocerte. Un abrazo!
ResponEliminaMuchas gracias Alicia y un abrazo para tí!!
Eliminaun plaer haver-te conegut i compartit experiencia!
ResponEliminaUn plaer per mi! La samarreta negra del Sewing Camp era moolt xula!