
dimarts, 29 de maig del 2018


Havia arribat el moment de fer-me un nou conjunt de piscina, el bikini de l'any passat ja havia acabat els torrons! 

The time had come for me to sew another swimming set, as last year's indoor pool bikini was worn out. 

El patró és el mateix, fet a mida, i aquest cop hi he afegit el gorro de bany, gràcies a aquest  tutorial de cucicucicoo.
I have used the same custom made pattern, and this time I also sewed a swimming cap, thanks to this tutorial by cucicucicoo.

El gorro no va folrat, les calces i sostens sí. I m'agrada molt que el folre sigui blanc i no de color carn.
The swimming cap is unlined, the top and the knickers are lined.  I much prefer a white lining than a nude one. 

Si us interessen els biquinis i banyadors, estigueu al cas, que a partir de la setmana que ve hi haurà moguda!
If you are interested in sewing bikinis and swimsuits, stay tuned, we are preparing something in one week's time!
Moltes gràcies per les vostres visites i comentaris, i bona costura!
Thank you very much for your visits and comments, and happy sewing!

4 comentaris:

  1. Wow, wonderful job! The swim set looks fantastic on you, and also looks super comfortable! I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed my swim cap pattern! :) Lisa

  2. wow that is super cute and it fits perfectly. I am always searching for just the right swimsuit, and I never sew them but perhaps I should.

  3. thanks Beth, it is very rewarding to sew swimwear, small pieces, fit forgiving, money saving! I have more to show, btw!
