
dilluns, 11 de setembre del 2017

El planeta Terra és blau /Planet Earth is blue

El planeta Terra és blau, (cantava en David Bowie a  Space Oddity
i la meva brusa és groga.

Planet Earth is blue  (As David Bowie sang in Space Oddity)
and my top is yellow.

Ahir vaig estrenar la brusa groga de plecs que havia tallat el mes de maig, la recordeu? 

La vaig dur per anar a veure l'exposició sobre en David Bowie al Museu del Disseny de Barcelona. Em va agradar moltíssim.  Si no l'heu vist, afanyeu-vos, que s'acaba el dia 25!
Abans d'entrar-hi em vaig fer fotos davant de la Torre Agbar, mireu el contrast de colors entre les façanes de la torre i el groc i blanc que porto jo.

Yesterday I wore for the first time the top with pleats which I had cut last May, do you remember?

I wore it to visit the exhibition about David Bowie in Barcelona's Museu del Disseny (Museum of Design). I loved the exhibition. If you happen to be near Barcelona, hurry up, the exhibition closes on the 25th of September.
Before entering, I took some pictures in front of Torre (tower) Agbar. It is fun to see the contrast of colours between the tower and my yellow and white look.

El planeta Terra i el cel són blaus, jo vaig groga i blanca.

Planet Earth and the sky are blue, I am in yellow and white.

I ara unes fotos de detall. En lloc d'acabar l'escot amb una vista com expliquen les instruccions,  hi he posat una cinta al biaix, queda més ben polit oi?

Now some pictures in detail. The neckline was not finished with a facing as in the instructions, but with bias tape, much better in my opinion, what do you think?

Moltes gràcies per les vostres visites i comentaris. Que passeu una Bona Diada!

Thank you very much for your visits and comments. Today is La Diada, Catalonia's National Day, and we will demonstrate for our freedom.

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