Aquest és el nom de la peça de vestir que m'he fet. Vol dir "faldilla penjant" en suec. Suposo que en català en diríem una faldilla de pitet o de tirants, oi?
This is the Swedish name for this garment. It means "hanging skirt". I guess in English it is called dungaree skirt? Any idea?
És el patró 5A de la revista Burda Easy primavera estiu 2014, edició sueca. Una d'aquelles peces que segur que no trobaria a la botiga, almenys de la llargada que a mi m'agrada.
The pattern is number 5A from the Swedish edition of the magazine Burda Easy spring summer 2014. One of those garments I am sure I would be unable to find in RTW, at least with the length I want it to be.
També és un reciclatge. Està cosit amb roba texana, reciclada de tres tops iguals. Me'ls va passar una amiga que en tenia molts, no sé d'on els havia tret . Vaig haver de fer tetris, tallar alguna peça a contrafil, fer una costura central en la part inferior de la faldilla, i folrar els tirants amb una roba diferent, però me'n vaig ensortir. Els botons són reutilitzats.
La roba és un pèl tiesa, però còmoda de dur. Ja l'he estrenat i com que no s'enganxa al cos, deixa passar l'aire i és fresqueta.
I have already worn it twice, the fabric is stiff but it lets the air circulate so it feels comfortable in hot weather.
It's fun to find new outfits!
Que tingueu una bona entrada al mes de juny!
Have a good beginning of June!
In North American English I would call your HÄNGSELKJOL an overall dress or jumper. For us, dungarees are an old term for a type of pants. What in British English is styled "dungarees" is "overalls" for us. In addition, a "jumper" in North American English refers to a dress that is worn with a blouse underneath (and not a pullover sweater which I believe is British Englislh). It's confusing, isn't it?
ResponEliminaThanks for the info! Great to learn something new! It really is confusing with all the differences between British and American English, specially for us who are not native speakers!
ResponEliminaI completely forgot to say that I love your new recycled jumper. It is adorable! Also, I love reading your blog to see how much Catalán I can understand. Wish I spoke it. Languages are fascinating.
EliminaGreat to know you like Catalan. Have you been to Catalonia?