No es pot dir mai aquesta peça no me la cosiré!
Jo que em pensava que mai no em faria una dessuadora, perquè no en porto els dies de cada dia...
Jo que em creia que mai no em cosiria res de la revista Ottobre, perquè me l'havia mirada al quiosc i no em feia el pes...
Però vaig anar al Sewing Camp, i vaig conèixer un munt de costureres blogueres. He anat seguint els seus blogs des de llavors, i moltes s'han fet la dessuadora Handy Pocket, de la revista Ottobre núm. 5 de 2017
I a sobre, resulta que aquesta revista anava dins del meu paquet de benvinguda del Sewing Camp.
You can never say never, neither in life nor in sewing!
I thought that I would never make a sweatshirt, because I never wear them on weekdays...
I thought that I would never sew any garment from the Ottobre magazine, because I had browsed through it and it did not look any attractive to me...
But in the fall I went to the Sewing Camp, and I met a lot of blogging seamstresses. I've been following their blogs ever since, and many have sewn the Handy Pocket sweatshirt, from the Ottobre magazine 5 / 2017.
And well, it turns out that this magazine was part of my welcome packet at the the Sewing Camp.
You can never say never, neither in life nor in sewing!
I thought that I would never make a sweatshirt, because I never wear them on weekdays...
I thought that I would never sew any garment from the Ottobre magazine, because I had browsed through it and it did not look any attractive to me...
But in the fall I went to the Sewing Camp, and I met a lot of blogging seamstresses. I've been following their blogs ever since, and many have sewn the Handy Pocket sweatshirt, from the Ottobre magazine 5 / 2017.
And well, it turns out that this magazine was part of my welcome packet at the the Sewing Camp.
És una costura molt bàsica, de cap de setmana. I per fer-ho més fàcil, en el blog de la Sara hi trobareu un tutorial, aquí.
L'únic detall són les butxaques. A mi també m'han quedat massa amunt. Mira que ho havia llegit en altres blogs! La vaig escurçar uns 3 cms entre les butxaques i la cisa, i suposo que els 3 cms els hauria d'haver repartit per sobre i per sota de les butxaques.
L'únic detall són les butxaques. A mi també m'han quedat massa amunt. Mira que ho havia llegit en altres blogs! La vaig escurçar uns 3 cms entre les butxaques i la cisa, i suposo que els 3 cms els hauria d'haver repartit per sobre i per sota de les butxaques.
M'ha quedat més justeta que no em pensava, però ja va bé.
It is a very basic make, for a weekend. You can find also a tutorial in Spanish here
The only detail is the pockets. They are too high in my opinion, I should have known better because I had read about this in some reviews. I shortened it about 3 cms between the pockets and the armscyes, now I think it should have been 1,5 cms above the pockets and 1,5 cms under them.
It is a bit smaller than I planned, but it is fine.
It is a very basic make, for a weekend. You can find also a tutorial in Spanish here
The only detail is the pockets. They are too high in my opinion, I should have known better because I had read about this in some reviews. I shortened it about 3 cms between the pockets and the armscyes, now I think it should have been 1,5 cms above the pockets and 1,5 cms under them.
It is a bit smaller than I planned, but it is fine.
La roba és dessuadora empelfada, primeta. Les butxaques estan folrades amb punt roma, i també n'he posat una tira al coll perquè quedés ben acabat. He trobat al youtube aquest tutorial per fer-ho.
Em tornaré a cosir una Handy Pocket? Suposo que sí. Amb una altra mena de roba fins i tot la podria dur per anar a la feina.
Em faré alguna altra peça de la mateixa revista? Potser els texans... el dia que m'acabi de decidir a fer-me'n uns.
The fabric is thin sweatshirt. The pockets are lined with double knit, which I also used to finish the front neckline.
Will I sew a Handy Pocket again? I guess so. With another kind of fabric I could even wear it to work.
Will I sew another pattern from the same magazine? Maybe the jeans ... when I make up my mind about sewing a pair of jeans...
The fabric is thin sweatshirt. The pockets are lined with double knit, which I also used to finish the front neckline.
Will I sew a Handy Pocket again? I guess so. With another kind of fabric I could even wear it to work.
Will I sew another pattern from the same magazine? Maybe the jeans ... when I make up my mind about sewing a pair of jeans...
Em compraré algun cop la Ottobre? No ho crec. Comparant per exemple l'última Burda i aquesta Ottobre, Burda em dóna molts més patrons, i més variats, no tan bàsics.
Les instruccions són si fa no fa en Burda i Ottobre, i en totes dues els patrons són sense marge de costura. Però en cada número Burda ofereix el " patró rosa", que es pot tallar directament, no cal calcar-lo, i té instruccions amb gràfics.
Will I buy the Ottobre magazine? I do not think so. If I compare for instance the last Burda issue with this Ottobre, Burda offers many more patterns, and they are both basic and more ambitious.
Both magazines have similar instructions and the patterns have no seam allowances. But in each issue, Burda offers the "pink pattern", which can be cut directly, it is not necessary to trace it, and it has instructions with graphics.
pocs patrons i molt bàsics,
Val gairebé 10 euros
few patterns and very basic,
It costs almost 10 euros
molts més patrons
combina bàsics i més elaborats
Val gairebé 5 euros
many more patterns
both basic and ambitious patterns
It costs almost 5 euros
Per mi no hi ha color, si em vull gastar 10 euros enrevistes de patrons, em compraré 2 Burda i no 1 Ottobre.
Però és clar, no es pot dir mai d'aquesta aigua no en beuré...
I vosaltres, us compreu el Burda, l'Ottobre, o totes dues?
Moltes gràcies per les vostres visites i comentaris, i bona costura!!
But of course, you can never say never..
What about you, do you buy Burda, Ottobre, or both?
Thank you very much for your visits and comments, and happy sewing!
Però és clar, no es pot dir mai d'aquesta aigua no en beuré...
I vosaltres, us compreu el Burda, l'Ottobre, o totes dues?
Moltes gràcies per les vostres visites i comentaris, i bona costura!!
For me this is a no-brainer, if I want to spend 10 euros in pattern magazines, I will buy two Burda instead of one Ottobre.
But of course, you can never say never..
What about you, do you buy Burda, Ottobre, or both?
Thank you very much for your visits and comments, and happy sewing!