Bona nit! Com ha provat el diumenge? Platja o migdiada mirant el Tour de França?
Avui reposo però divendres a la tarda i ahir vaig fer un intensiu de costura. Havia de tenir enllestida aquesta jaqueta bomber per aquest matí.
Good evening! How was your summer Sunday? Went to the beach or stayed at home having siesta while watching the Tour de France on TV?
I did have a rest today but Friday afternoon and yesterday I was sewing a lot. I had to finish this bomber jacket by this morning.
Està feta amb roba de dessuadora. No fa gaire temps de jaquetes, però la meva filla petita em va demanar que li cosís per anar de colònies, diu que a les nits refresca.
Sort que ja n'he cosit unes quantes de bombers...
Vaig repetir el patró de la meva bomber, amb un parell de talles menys, vaig tancar una mica l'escot i no la vaig folrar. Això sí , hi vaig afegir butxaques.
It is sewn in sweatshirt fabric. The weather is too hot for sweatshirt, but my younger daughter asked me to sew it for her. She wanted to wear it in her Summer Camp, it can be cooler in the evenings.
Luckily, I have already sewn quite a few bombers...
I used the same pattern as my bomber jacket, two sizes smaller, I rised the neckline and did not line it. On her request, I added pockets.
Fotos d'aquest matí, just abans de marxar a les colònies. No vol ensenyar la cara ...
Pictures were taken this morning, just before she left for the summer camp. She would by no means show her face ...
Què faria jo sense la meva overlock! I mira que al principi no ens aveníem gaire!
What would I do without my overlock! Although we didn't get on very well together at the beginning!
Com que tenia la màquina de cosir i l'overlock enfilades en vermell, mentre la roba de puny no arribava (l'he comprada per internet), he començat a fer un vestit per mi de punt roma vermell. Si tot va com ha d'anar, aviat us el podré ensenyar.
Mentrestant, bona setmana a tothom.!
Moltes gràcies per les vostres visites i comentaris.
As my sewing machine and serger were threaded in red, while waiting for the rib knit to arrive ( I bought it online), I have started to sew a red ponte knit dress for me. Hopefully I will be able to show it to you soon.
In the meantime, have a nice week!
Thank you very much for your visits and comments